Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome to One Billion Forgiveness Pounds!

We do hope that you use this blog for your healing, wholeness, and well-being. Please provide your testimonies as often as possible. We will be praying with you as you lose the anger, the resentment, and the release the burdens that have been weighing you down. Likewise, we will be sharing in the joy and victory as you enter into a state of peace and tranquility.

This blog should not take the place of counseling. If you need help in shedding your forgiveness weight please talk with your minister or a licensed professional. Posting names of people who have wronged or have hurt you is prohibited.

We are not liable for any content posted by members or subscribers of this blog.


  1. I lost 400 forgiveness lbs. in one day. My health, personal life and business was suffering because I was paralyzed with anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. As soon as I lost the 400 forgiveness lbs. things began to change. I mean when I truly shedded the weight. My health is better, my personal life is better and my business is starting to thrive. I wasted a lot of time energy and effort being angry at (2) people who 1. was not worth the anger and 2. did not care that i was angry with them. Yes, the lies and deciet hurt, but I could not go the rest of my life holding on to that crap. I challenge to lose the forgiveness weight and live life victoriously.
    Much Love,
    Salim Bilal-Edwards

  2. Happy New Year!!!!

    This year and a new decade. A decade which brings new promises and opportunities. Let us embrace each opportunity with faith, power, and commitment not to let the events of this past decade or decades hold us down. We are letting go past hurt and pain. We are forgiving the people who have wronged, forgiving ourselves for the self-inflicted pain, and asking forgiveness from people we may have hurt or wronged. The year 2010 holds promise. Let us do our part by freeing ourselves.
